4 CTSA Evaluation Improvement Opportunities

From the Wake Forest CTSI Announcement Page
CTSA Hub Collaboration Publishes Evaluations Recommendations
In late 2017 a group of evaluators formed the Clinical and Translational Sciences Awards (CTSA) Evaluation Guidelines Workgroup, co-chaired by Tanha Patel (Wake Forest) and Julie Rainwater, PhD (University of California at Davis). The charge: assess progress made in evaluating the CTSA program, nationally and at hub level, based on the recommendations made in 2013 by the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) review of the CTSA Program and guidelines published in Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. The workgroup conducted a review of all CTSA funding opportunity announcements and gathered feedback from all CTSA evaluators via a survey administered in Spring 2018.
Patel and Dr. Rainwater partnered with Dr. William Trochim, Dr. Julie Elworth, Linda Scholl, and Dr. Gaurav Dave to analyze the data and worked with the CTSA Evaluation Guidelines Workgroup members to identify four new opportunities to further strengthen CTSA evaluation efforts.