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Dr. Buse on NPR

Our Director and Co-PI, John Buse, MD, PhD, was quoted in an NPR story that aired on the July 22nd episode of Morning Edition. The story features two nurses in Tennessee who are focused on the reversal of type 2 diabetes through education and community support around lifestyle change. Thus far, their efforts have been centered in their home of Grundy County, Tennessee.

The American Diabetes Association has updated their views on disease remission as part of the recently revised guidelines. Buse, who helped write the new ADA guidelines, said, “We’ve known, literally since the 17th century, that diet is the key to managing diabetes.” He continued to say that, “Doctors don’t have the time to do it well, so we have often used the sort of short shrift ‘eat less carbohydrates and walk every day.’ That has basically no impact.”

You can read the full story or listen to the segment on Morning Edition here.

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