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List your UNC study now to boost recruitment

Are you currently recruiting volunteers for a study? About to start recruiting? Just got your IRB? Perfect timing!

Research for Me at UNC is a free website that allows the public to find and express interest in your research study! Any UNC study or trial that is recruiting human subjects can easily list a study on the website and be contacted by potentially eligible participants.

Listing your study is easy and can be done in your IRB application (B.1). Once your listing is approved, it will appear live on and will be visible to the public!

The UNC-specific site is maintained by UNC’s North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences (NC TraCS) Institute.

Benefits of listing your study:

  • The site is free to your study team and is promoted by NC TraCS on a regular basis
  • Over 10,500 volunteers are already registered and searching for studies on the site, and every day more and more users come to the site
  • Unique listing URL that you can use on all of your other recruitment materials
  • Ability to provide basic eligibility and participation information to boost interest and help people know if the study is a good fit for them

Listing your study is easy and can be done in your IRB application (B.1). Once your listing is approved, it will appear live on the and will be visible to the public!

We are planning big updates to the functionality of the site in the upcoming year and will be expanding its reach in order to improve awareness of and accessibility to the incredible work being done here at UNC. Be sure to take advantage of this free recruitment tool and reach even more potential participants!

For questions about listing your study please contact the Research for Me team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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