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CTSA ReFRAME Call for Proposals

The Scripps Research Translational Institute and drug discovery affiliate Calibr invite proposals for collaborative drug re-purposing screens. This translational endeavor aims to partner clinical proficiencies throughout the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) network with drug discovery resources. CTSA-affiliated researchers and clinicians who have identified potential drug targets, pathways or screening approaches and are interested in accelerated translation into patients through drug re-purposing are encouraged to respond.

This call for proposals is designed to accelerate drug discovery and facilitate the translation of unique biology discovered in the laboratory or clinic into new medicines for patients. Teaming up with scientists and clinicians throughout the CTSA consortium, Calibr and the Scripps Research Translational Institute envision collaborative ReFRAME screens to identify repurposed drug candidates that can be quickly evaluated in patients in clinical trials.

Applicants should use the template on the Scripps Research site to submit a brief proposal. Submissions will be competitively reviewed by a committee of scientists at the Scripps Research Translational Institute and Calibr and prioritized based on unmet medical need, scientific merit/feasibility, and the ability to follow up clinically if a repurposing opportunity is identified. Once a screen has been selected for the program, Calibr scientists will work directly with the CTSA investigator to develop a work plan to optimize the assay for screening (as needed) and execute the screen.


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