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ADAPTABLE team concludes participant enrollment

ADAPTABLE, the aspirin study, is a national, multi-site pragmatic clinical trial designed to determine the safest and most effective dose of aspirin to prevent heart attacks and strokes for those living with heart disease. The study recently marked an important milestone – 15,076 participants have enrolled, exceeding the enrollment target of 15,000 participants. Congratulations to participants, patient partners, clinicians and researchers!

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill site of the ADAPTABLE study is led by Darren DeWalt, MD, MPH. Our site exceeded their enrollment target of 500 participants last year. DeWalt stated at the time that, “Recruitment is one of the most challenging aspects of many studies. Our ADAPTABLE team worked closely with TraCS at UNC-Chapel Hill to streamline recruitment processes through email and MyUNCChart.” He continued to say that, “These methods enabled us to exceed our goal with modest resources.”

Now that the overall enrollment target has been met, the study team has reflected on the process and lessons learned thus far. Read more about these reflections in their blog post – ADAPTABLE Team Finishes Enrollment, Reflects on Lessons Learned – and in this recent fact sheet.

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