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Kim Brouwer to be honored as Inventor of the Year

Friend of NC TraCS Kim Brouwer Pharm.D., Ph.D., was honored last Thursday as Carolina Inventor of the Year. Dr. Brouwer's primary area of focus is pharmacokinetics, particularly the body's drug transporter proteins. Because these proteins are so involved in absorption, distribution, and excretion of many medications, they contribute to the variety in reactions from patients. Dr. Brouwer addressed this in her role in the invention of B-CLEAR®. B-CLEAR® presents a consistent and reliable measurement of drug's effect on the liver and projection of it's overall safety before they move to clinical trials.

Dr. Brouwer has a long history with NC TraCS. Up until last year she's been on our Study Section and she is the recipient of two TraCS pilot grants.

  • 10K grant in Feb. 2009: “Drug-Drug Interactions in the Liver: Effect of Ritonavir, a Transport Protein Modulator, on the Hepatic Exposure of 99m Technetium-Mebrofenin in Healthy Human Volunteers”
  • $5-50K grant in Oct. ‘12: “Altered Drug Disposition and Bile Acid Profiling as Novel Biomarkers to Predict Disease Severity in Patients with Chronic Inflammatory Liver Disease”

To read the full story in the University Gazette please click the link below.

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