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UNC Program for Precision Medicine in Healthcare (PPMH) and NC TraCS Request for Applications Due date: July 23, 2019

The UNC Program for Precision Medicine in Health Care (PPMH), which aims to transform patient care through evidence-based precision medicine, is requesting proposals in collaboration with the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences (NC TraCS) Institute at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH).

The PPMH will award a limited number of pilot grants, contributing up to $25,000 in matched funds to grants submitted to the NC TraCS $5-$50K Pilot Program. To qualify, proposals should include at least one investigator from the UNC School of Medicine and be focused on any aspect of Precision Medicine with direct clinical or human translational impact, to generate evidence for implementation of precision medicine approaches in the UNC Health Care System or beyond.

Researchers interested in PPMH matching funds must send an abstract and a one-paragraph justification for how it relates to precision medicine at UNC to PPMH via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for endorsement before formally applying to the NC TraCS $5-50K Pilot Program. At the latest those documents must be sent by July 5, 2019.

Following endorsement, the application should be submitted directly to the NC TraCS Pilot Program via the online application portal for review and management by July 23, 2019.

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