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HHS to Host Opioid Symposium and Code-a-Thon

The Office of the Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will host an Opioid Symposium and Code-a-Thon on December 6 to promote innovative ways that technology and data can be used to address the nationwide opioid epidemic.

The TED Talk style remarks at the Symposium will showcase promising practices in data and technology that have improved outcomes in communities across the country. Attendees at the symposium will represent state health leaders, the healthcare industry, research, medicine, technology and Federal health leaders.

On December 6-7, HHS will host a corresponding Code-a-Thon to develop innovative data-driven solutions to the opioid epidemic. Coders will have access to data from states, federal agencies and private industry (some of which will be specially released for the event). At the Code-a-Thon, there will be three prize opportunities of $10,000 each — one for each challenge track. Learn more about the challenge tracks and prizes.

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