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Changes to CITI website login effective today

Effective Wednesday, August 23, 2017, University faculty, staff, and students having a valid ONYEN and PASSWORD will be able to use it to sign onto the CITI website to complete Human Subjects Protection, Good Clinical Practice, Responsible Conduct of Research training (and many others). You will no longer use your previous USERNAME and PASSWORD. To get to the log in page, go to:

If you have a valid ONYEN and PASSWORD and are unable to sign in, please contact CITI directly at 888.529.5929 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For those who DO NOT have a valid ONYEN, a USERNAME and PASSWORD will be required to log into CITI at

For more information, please visit the OHRE website or the OCT website.

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