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Good luck to all of our UNC matched folks!

Match Day 2017

Students and their families will gather to celebrate their accomplishments and find out where they will complete their residency training. Learn more about Friday’s event. And check back next week for full Match Day coverage.

For four years, students at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine have worked toward “Match Day” – the day they learn where they will spend the next several years as resident-physicians. Members of the Class of 2017 will receive traditional Match Day sealed envelopes, which contain letters showing where students will spend the next several years as resident-physicians. UNC medical students will participate in the complex process that matches the nation’s graduating medical students’ preferences with program preferences. Match Day ceremonies are coordinated to occur on the same date at the same time throughout the country.

Schedule of Events

11:00 AM- Class meeting

11:30 AM - Brief Break - grab your family/friends*

11:45 AM - Remarks from Drs Roper and Dent


Important Information

  • Family members are more than welcome to join in all of the festivities! You can bring them by at 11:00 for the class meeting or between 11:30-45, whichever you/they prefer.
  • If you haven’t paid your graduation fee please bring a check to match day.
  • Per Match Day tradition, there will be a bedpan at the front of the auditorium. Traditionally, all students put $1 in the bedpan when they are called to the stage (in exchange for their envelope), and the last student to receive their envelope (names are called in random order) will win the money. For the past several years, it has been the tradition that this student gives the money to the class presidents, who in turn use it to buy everyone drinks at Top of the Hill after match day events are finished. We’d encourage the winner to keep up this tradition, but it’s their call what to do with the money.

The communications and news team will again set up a "Photo Booth" in the lobby of the MBRB. Students are encouraged to have their photos taken with their friends and family. The photos will be available for download after the event.

Students, if you are on social media during the Match, please utilize the hash tag #UNCMatch

Originally published at UNC Health Care

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