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You're Invited: UNC Core Facilities Showcase

A key element of today's research enterprise is access to cutting edge technologies and high-end instrumentation, as well as the expertise to make best of use of both. Researchers at UNC-Chapel Hill have access to a variety of high-end instrumentation, cutting edge technology, expertise, technical support and education through the UNC Research Core Facilities. This is a somewhat humble name for what Dr. John Sondek, Faculty Director of the Center for Structural Biology; Professor of Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Biophysics, calls "the backbone of biomedical research at UNC and across the state" and others have termed a 'prerequisite for breakthroughs in the life sciences'.

The UNC Research Core Facilities include shared resources that are focused on animal models, biochemistry, clinical research, genomics and imaging. While each core may differ, what each core shares is a commitment to enhancing the capabilities of research at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Do you want to know how one or more of the UNC Research Core Facilities can support your research? You could browse through the Core Facility directory to get a sense for the wealth of core facilities at UNC, or you could meet the experts and explore the services from over 30 UNC Research Core Facilities at once (and with lunch).

Explore the UNC Core Facilities Showcase on Tuesday, March 21st from 11am-2pm in the Medical Biomolecular Research Building (MBRB) lobbies.

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