New graduate research course for Spring 2017

Don Rose, Ph.D., Director, KickStart Venture Services - Office of Commercialization and Economic Development will be teaching a new course this spring for first and second year PhD students.

Innovation to Impact: The Translation of Scientific Research into Societal Benefit focuses on how research moves from the university into our society in meaningful and impactful ways.

The objective is to provide graduate students in the sciences context as they enter the world of scientific research. This course will help them gain perspective in choosing scientific mentors, choosing research projects, and longer term, understanding the role science plays in shaping our society.


Course: GRAD 750: Innovation to Impact
Instructor: Don Rose, PhD / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Credit: 1.5 credit hours
Meetings: Wednesdays, 3:35 pm to 6:35 pm
Location: Dey Hall 303

Most scientific research takes place in major academic universities. The knowledge, discoveries, and innovations emanating from breakthrough research are typically disseminated through publications, posters, and presentations as well as the education of the next generation of students who enter the academe. The impact of this information is typically on faculty and students, increasing knowledge in the field and opening up new areas of research. More recently, universities, government funding agencies, and society in general are turning to universities to apply their research to solve significant societal problems: cures for disease, better drinking water, safer food, etc. As such, additional avenues of “translation” are developing to increase the impact of these innovations. Translation can take place through thought leadership, public policy, and programs. It can also happen through commercialization of the innovation into products and services. This course provides an understanding of the value of translating science as well processes involved in translation.

The course will consist of lectures, faculty speakers, guest speakers, and student team project work.

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