New Service to Support Data-Driven, Inter-Institutional Research and Quality Improvement
The Carolinas Collaborative, which aims to support data-driven, inter-institutional clinical research and QI, is now open for business.

Through Carolinas Collaborative, researchers can request patient counts or sets of health care data from UNC Health Care, Duke University, and Wake Forest Baptist Health, along with Health Sciences South Carolina, which includes Medical University of South Carolina and other South Carolina hospitals.
Carolinas Collaborative may be especially valuable to you if you are interested in collaborating with investigators who are faculty at one of the partnered institutions or are interested in studying patients with rare diseases.
Carolinas Collaborative can be used to answer questions, such as:
- How many patients are there at each Collaborative site who have a particular disease and are currently taking a specific type of medication?
- How many patients are there at Wake Forest Baptist University, Duke and UNC who have a particular condition and have also had a specific procedure in the last 2 years?
The Collaborative offers additional support to researchers through early-stage consults and support in finding collaborators at other Collaborative institutions.
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