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Ready for the Challenge

  • Jamie Williams

After incredible success as a vascular surgeon, researcher, and educator at Northwestern University, Melina Kibbe, MD, takes over as chair of the UNC School of Medicine’s Department of Surgery.

Melina Kibbe, MD

It’s Melina Kibbe’s first week at UNC. In her office, framed diplomas, photos, and some rather impressive awards still sit on the floor, waiting to be hung.

In 2010, Kibbe was honored with the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers by President Obama. She has authored more than 230 peer-reviewed manuscripts, review articles, and book chapters. She serves as editor-in-chief of JAMA Surgery and is a nationally recognized advocate for sex inclusion in biomedical research which has proven to be an important driver of scientific discovery.

A few things, however, have already found their way onto the shelves.

There’s the pair of Han Solo and Darth Vader coffee mugs perched next to a photo of school-aged Kibbe smiling next to Harrison Ford. She proudly shows off the R2-D2 lunchbox she was given as a parting gift by her colleagues at Northwestern.

“Everyone who knows me knows that I’m a huge sci-fi nerd,” Kibbe said.

Surgeon, scientist, Star Wars fan. And now chair of the UNC School of Medicine’s Department of Surgery.

For our latest Five Questions feature, we sat down with Kibbe to discuss her path to this position, her goals, and the state of women in the field of surgery... read more

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