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TraCS announces 18th round of $2K Pilot Awards

NC TraCS is pleased to announce awardees of TraCS $2K small grants for clinical and translational research projects. 12 applications were received and 4 (listed below) were chosen for funding from the UNC-CH School of Medicine and Gillings School of Global Public Health.

Lori Hoggard
School of Medicine
Project Title: The Association between Neighborhood Disadvantage and Cardiovascular Disease Risk among Black Men Residing in Durham, NC

Paul Shafer
Gillings School of Global Public Health
Jennifer Shafer
School of Medicine
Project Title: Identifying Access Barriers to Outpatient Rehabilitative Care After Stroke

Nicholas Wise
School of Medicine
Project Title: The effects of Cranial Laser Reflex Technique (CLRT) on hamstring flexibility and strength: a pilot study

Lisa Zukowski
School of Medicine
Project Title: Falls in Older Adults: Exploring Interactions between Gait, Gaze Behavior, and Cognition

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