Research to Revenue Deconstructs the Complexities of University Start-Ups

  • Marla Vacek Broadfoot
Research to Revenue: A Practical Guide to University Start-Ups

In 1973, Stanford geneticist Stanley Cohen and University of California, San Francisco, biochemist Herbert Boyer reported an amazing discovery. The researchers had just figured out a way to cut and paste DNA from two different kinds of bacteria to create the first recombinant or custom-made organism. The advance, called recombinant DNA technology, is widely heralded as the birth of modern biotechnology.

The story of recombinant DNA technology is one of many examples of university start-ups highlighted in Research to Revenue: A Practical Guide to University Start-ups, written by Don Rose, director of Carolina KickStart at NC TraCS and Cam Patterson, chief operating officer at Weill Cornell Medical Center... Read more at Translational Research News

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