Are you a Research Administrator?
Sep 25, 2015
Today May Be Your Day
1. When you hear the term “Uniform Guidance” do you immediately think about the consolidation of OMB circulars and not how many inches above the knee your daughter’s prep school uniform can be?
2. Do you exercise your creative flair by color-coding multi-project application budget spread sheets?
3. Have you ever been shopping and asked yourself “Is this purchase reasonable, allocable, allowable and necessary?”
4. Do you often find yourself explaining the difference between “internal deadlines” and “agency deadlines”?
5. Have you ever submitted multiple grant applications to the same due date? Heck, have you ever submitted an electronic grant application?
6. Is June 5th easier to remember than your anniversary?
7. Have you ever laughed with your colleagues about proposed direct costs?
8. Do you have a spreadsheet of agency grant system and login information? (Be honest – no judgement here.)
9. Have you ever said “GAGAS” without stuttering? Do you know what “GAGAS” is?
10. Have you contributed to improving the nation’s health without ever working in a lab?
If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then congratulations - today, September 25, is your day - National Research Administrator Day!
It’s only fitting that today is also NIH’s standard due date for our multi-project and training grants where you can truly show your stuff. Who pulls together training data tables, faculty biosketches and complex, multi-project applications better than you – no one, that’s who!
You are amazing, talented professionals and we appreciate what you do today and every day.
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