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JCTS issues Call for Papers on patient and community engaged research

Themed Issue: Institutional Transformation to Support Community Based Participatory Research and Patient- and Community- Engaged Research

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The Journal of Clinical and Translational Science (JCTS) has issued a Call for Papers which focuses on institutional transformation to support community based participatory research (CBPR) and patient- and community-engaged research.

Recent growth in community based participatory research (CBPR) and patient- and community-engaged research have led to widespread adoption of participatory principles within collaborative research projects, spanning from outreach and community consultation to shared leadership and community-led projects. The recognition that translational science benefits from community and patient engagement, from developing innovative approaches to disseminating findings, has increased adoption of engagement models and metrics to evaluate and strengthen partnering.

With this maturation has also come a recognition that individual projects are insufficient; that long-standing institutional structures, from policies on payment to community partners to rules on who can serve as research leaders, are significant barriers; and that a deeper transformation is needed to support patient and community empowerment and decision-making in research. The inadequacy of institutional support has resulted in continued patient and community distrust of research, producing a pervasive lack of institutional trustworthiness.

For more information, requirements, and examples on how to confront these challenges, visit

Submissions should be made online via the Journal's ScholarOne submission site by June 30, 2024.

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