Sheps offers Data Science Week beginning Jan 17

The Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research is hosting Data Science Week, a focused series of discussions tailored for anyone studying access, disparities, quality, or the cost of health care, and is interested in emerging trends in data science.

The week’s agenda includes in-depth exploration of current themes in healthcare analytics, such as the application of causal machine learning techniques, the utilization of compliant synthetic data in research settings, the intricacies of Medicare claims data analysis, and the development of algorithmic approaches in clinical decision-making.

Sheps welcomes contributions from colleagues in the field, offering an environment conducive to scholarly exchange and professional development. This event is an opportunity for researchers, students, and practicing data scientists to engage with complex topics, refine analytical methodologies, and discuss the implications of advanced data science in the realm of health services research.

Presentations will begin at 12:00pm each day, followed by discussion. Visit for details and a schedule of events. Attendees may join in-person at the Sheps Center in room 2002 or on zoom.

Sheps Center for Health Services Research
725 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
Chapel Hill, NC


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