RTI to hold information session for University Scholars Program

Since 2014, the RTI University Scholars Program has provided partial support for senior academic researchers to spend scholarly leave time at RTI to collaborate with RTI experts.
The program is designed to drive growth, foster collaboration, build scientific stature, and develop opportunities for externally funded joint projects. The goal is to generate long-term research networks and collaboration across North Carolina.
RTI is creating opportunities for researchers to pair with experts to solve complex research challenges. Half of each selected scholar's salary and fringe are covered by RTI while the other half is covered by the scholar's home institution.
Request for Expressions of Interest and Request for Proposals to be released October 20. Expressions of interest due January 25, 2024.
For more information, visit www.rti.org/rti-university-scholars-program.
Information Session
The University Collaboration Office at RTI International invites faculty from UNC System universities and Duke University to attend an information session on September 22 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m., via Zoom.
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