New N3C PHASTR questions open for application

The National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) PHASTR is designed to quickly address high-impact questions that can be answered with N3C data.
These questions are identified by NCATS and NIH leadership, and proposals to address them within the N3C Data Enclave are open for a short time for each. Successful proposals will be awarded a short-term contract and will be expected to produce quantitative answers within a given time frame.
The following questions have been released with a deadline of July 31, 2023.
A recent clinical trial (COVID-OUT) demonstrated that metformin lowered the odds of emergency department visits, hospitalizations, or death by over 40% and also decreased the incidence of long COVID as diagnosed by a medical provider. The fundamental question being asked is: Does metformin reduce the incidence of severe outcomes of COVID-19 and/or prevent Long COVID?
Contract Amount: $50,000
Does molnupiravir show a reduction of severe outcomes of COVID-19 in the N3C Data Enclave?
Molnupiravir has demonstrated variable effects on the risk of hospitalization or mortality among outpatients with COVID-19. Prior results from the randomized, placebo-controlled MOVe-OUT trial demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in the risk of all-cause hospitalization or death in unvaccinated patients at increased risk, while a more recent randomized open-label study (PANORAMIC) in a high-risk vaccinated population disclosed no impact on all-cause hospitalization or death ( The question to be addressed is: Does molnupiravir reduce the risk of hospitalization or death within one month of COVID-19 in at-risk patients with COVID-19 in the N3C population, controlling for confounding variables such as vaccination, risk factors for severe outcomes, concomitant therapy, and variant epoch.
Contract Amount: $50,000
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