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UNC Research Core Facilities accepting nominations for staff recognition program

Nominations close November 30, 2022.

The UNC Research Core Facilities Staff Recognition Program recognizes extraordinary achievements by SHRA and EHRA NF permanent, full- and part-time employees of biomedical research cores (including full-service recharge, collaborative and limited access core labs) at UNC-Chapel Hill.

There will be two award cycles per year , and within each award cycle up to three nominated staff members may be chosen for recognition, one for each of three categories of staff excellence. Each selected staff member will receive $1,000 (taxable income).


  • Awardees must be full- or part-time SHRA or EHRA Non-Faculty staff in either a Permanent or Temporary staff position within a UNC Chapel Hill biomedical research core facility
  • There is no minimum length of service required prior to nomination
  • Staff members in full-service recharge, collaborative, and limited-access core facilities are all eligible for nominations

For more information and selection criteria, visit


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