UNC offers resources on new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy

NIH has issued the Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy (effective January 25, 2023) to promote the sharing of scientific data. Sharing scientific data accelerates biomedical research discovery, in part, by enabling validation of research results, providing accessibility to high-value datasets, and promoting data reuse for future research studies.
Visit research.unc.edu/dms for more information about the policy and resources available at UNC for data sharing and preservationincluding UNC Dataverse, an online tool to assist you in developing/writing a DMS Plan (dmptool.org), sample DMS plans and budgets, and where to go get help with the new data sharing requirements.
The UNC Health Sciences Library (HSL) also offers resources on the new policy including requirements; elements of the new plan; templates and guidance for creating plans; and curated videos, supplemental info, and guides.
Effective January 25, 2023, the NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy applies to all research that meets these criteria:
- Is funded or conducted in whole or in part by NIH
- Results in the generation of scientific data
Research activities covered by the DMS Policy include the following regardless of funding level:
- Extramural competing grant applications submitted to NIH for January 25, 2023 and subsequent receipt dates.
- Extramural proposals for contracts submitted to NIH on or after January 25, 2023.
- Intramural research projects conducted on or after January 25, 2023.
- Other funding agreements executed on or after January 25, 2023, unless otherwise stipulated by NIH.
- Examples: Research Projects, Certain Career Development Awards (Ks), Small Business SBIR/STTR, Research Centers.
The DMS Policy does not apply to research and other activities that do not generate scientific data. Examples include: Training (Ts), Fellowships (Fs), Certain non-research Career Awards (e.g. KM1), Construction (C06), Conference Grants (R13), Resources (Gs), Research-related Infrastructure programs (e.g., S06) and non-research activities.
For more information and assistance creating your data management plan, visit guides.lib.unc.edu/nih-data-sharing.
Upcoming webinar
The SOM Office of Research is offering an online session Feb 3, 2023 12-1pm to support researchers with the upcoming implementation requirements. The session will cover the best ways to meet the requirements as well as outline available resources.If you have specific questions or areas of concern, please email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for inclusion in the discussion.