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Formal Call to the ONE UNC Clinical Research Design Journey

The ONE UNC Clinical Research Initiative is accepting applications for design committee members. The invitation to join a design group is open to anyone in the UNC and UNC Health research communities.

About the initiative

The ONE UNC Clinical Research initiative is a joint effort between UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC Health to transform the clinical research administrative processes to be more synergistic, efficient, and effective. The three immediate priorities that ONE UNC Clinical Research aims to address in the next year are:

  1. Grow Clinical Research Participation
  2. Improve Access Across UNC Health
  3. Faster Activation of Clinical Research Studies

Phase 1 of the design process will occur from October to December 2022. The goal of Phase 1 is to develop recommendations that will streamline the clinical research administrative processes between the University and the Healthcare System.

The survey is open to indicate your interest to join a design subgroup. Subgroup members are composed of cross-system representation in specific areas related to the research process. Each subgroup will have a core expert representative, who will guide and collaborate with their subgroup throughout Phase 1. Each subgroup will be supported by the Research Integration Team, who will assist with project management needs. Participation in this initiative is voluntary.

As a subgroup member, you will:

  • Collaborate with UNC-Chapel Hill and UNC Health stakeholders to propose more efficient ways of conducting clinical research in your area
  • Attend scheduled design planning meetings with your subgroups
  • Participate in the discussion by providing knowledge in your area
  • Communicate any needs with the core representative and/or the Research Integration Team

Sign up

If you are interested in being part of this collaborative initiative, sign up here:

sign up

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