NRP Professional Development Award now accepting applications for 2022

The UNC Network for Research Professionals (NRP) is proud to announce the 2022 NRP Professional Development Award. This award provides supplemental funding to help cover professional development opportunities for UNC-Chapel Hill employees whose work is focused on Human Subjects Research.
The award covers work-related education and training; the event or opportunity should relate to the employee's position and meet an individual professional development goal. Funds may be used for conferences, certificates, continuing education, classes or seminars, or similar instructional opportunities that are not already covered by other resources.
Specifically, the award is designed for expenses incurred prior to the opportunity (e.g., registration, materials, travel). The award may be used to cover an opportunity in its entirety or to supplement other funds for opportunities with more substantial costs.
Individual awards ranging from $100 - $500 will be granted depending on strength of application.
Courses for academic credit are not eligible for this award, but can be accessed through the University's tuition waiver benefit.
Download examples of opportunities that previous awardees have pursued. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions about the award.