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Precision Medicine's mini-symposium to highlight how data has informed our response to COVID-19

Join the UNC Program for Precision Medicine in Healthcare (PPMH) for Precision Health @UNC: Precision Medicine Approaches to Addressing COVID-19, a free virtual mini-symposium on Wednesday February 23, 2022 from 1:00 to 3:00pm ET. At this interactive event, you will engage in discussion with leading Precision Medicine researchers at UNC.

COVID-19 has presented enormous challenges to society. Scientists and clinicians across many disciplines have worked to mitigate the spread and effects of COVID-19. This mini-symposium will feature 3 presentations focusing on how data has informed our response to the pandemic: the collection, analysis, and interpretation of COVID-related data.


Real-time genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in an academic medical center

Melissa Miller, PhD

Jeremy Wang, PhD

Presenters: Melissa Miller PhD, Professor, Department of Pathology, and Director, Clinical Molecular Microbiology Laboratory
Jeremy Wang PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics

This presentation will describe a collaboration between research genomics lab and clinical microbiology lab developing rapid surveillance for COVID strain variation monitoring. We will discuss our approach to rapid-turnaround genomic surveillance during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, including tools, challenges, and outcomes for public health.

Predicting the unprecedented: An ongoing saga to forecast the impacts of COVID-19 on UNC Health and the communities we serve

Ryan Kelly

Presenter: Ryan Kelly, Principal Data Scientist, ISD Enterprise Analytics & Data Sciences (EADS), UNC Health Shared Services

When COVID-19 emerged in North Carolina in March 2020, UNC Health leadership quickly recognized the need for reliable forecasts of the pandemic's trajectory to inform critical decisions.

The breakneck foray into real-time, action-oriented epidemiological modeling that ensued was the stuff of a data science thriller novel—if only the genre existed! Here we discuss lessons learned from that ongoing journey, which spans two years and >80 model versions, from wildly diverging "best guess" simulations initially to the hierarchical Bayesian formulation still in use—and continually evolving—today.

What can we learn from 3.6 million COVID-19 cases?

Emily Pfaff, PhD

Presenter: Emily Pfaff, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Co-director, Informatics and Data Science at the NC TraCS Institute

This presentation covers the creation, curation, and use of the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C), a nation-spanning electronic health record dataset sourced from nearly 70 health care organizations.

We will cover how the dataset was constructed, delve into a specific use-case for the data (long-haul COVID research), and discuss how you can use N3C in your own research.

This dynamic discussion forum will explore the breadth of Precision Health initiatives at UNC and facilitate connections between colleagues with similar research interests.


1:00-1:05 Introductions
1:05-1:30 Melissa Miller & Jeremy Wang presentation
1:30-1:55 Ryan Kelly presentation
1:55-2:20 Emily Pfaff presentation
2:20-2:55 Panel discussion
2:55-3:00 Closing remarks


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View the event flyer: PPMH mini-symposium poster Feb2022

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