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Research Advisory Council announces $50,000 grants for collaborative projects in southeastern NC

The Research Advisory Council, a joint committee composed of research leaders from Novant Health, NH-New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NH-NHRMC) and UNC School of Medicine (UNC-SOM) are sponsoring two research pilot award projects that will award multiple 1-year grants of up to $50,000 each.

The RAC is seeking collaborative projects that will promote research to understand and improve relevant community health challenges in southeastern North Carolina through a lens of access, value, and equity.

Researchers eligible to serve as PI include permanent faculty whose appointments allow them to serve as PI on externally sponsored research projects and non-faculty such as research scientists and investigators who are eligible to apply for investigator-initiated awards and R01-level funding. Applications must include one Co-PI from UNC-SOM and one Co-PI from NH-NHRMC, Novant Health Medical Group Coastal Region.

It is desirable that projects serve as a stimulus for subsequent research initiatives and grant applications to the NIH or other external funding agencies. Submissions are due February 11, 2022.

View the Health Equity RFA (pdf)

View the Clinical Research RFA (pdf)

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