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PCORI Funding: Improving Postpartum Maternal Outcomes for Populations Experiencing Disparities

Targeted PCORI Funding Announcement (tPFA): Improving Postpartum Maternal Outcomes for Populations Experiencing Disparities

This Targeted PCORI Funding Announcement (tPFA) seeks to fund large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and/or well-designed observational studies comparing multicomponent strategies to improve early detection of, and timely care for, complications up to six weeks postpartum for groups more often underserved or experiencing the greatest disparities in health outcomes, including Black, American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN), Hispanic, rural, and low socioeconomic status (SES) populations.

Letters of Intent due Tuesday June 1, 2021, by 5 PM ET.

Full Applications due Tuesday August 31, 2021, by 5 PM ET.

This tPFA will solicit applications that respond to the following question:

What is the comparative effectiveness of multicomponent interventions to improve early detection of, and timely care for, risk factors for postpartum complications, and for complications during the first six weeks postpartum for Black, AI/AN, Hispanic, rural, and low SES patients? 

PCORI is particularly interested in the comparative effectiveness of tailored approaches to intervention strategies.

Applicants should consider the following outcome categories: maternal mortality and morbidity; healthcare utilization; condition-specific outcomes; and patient experience, satisfaction, and engagement with care up to one year postpartum. Interventions must be evidence-based and/or in widespread use and reproducible.

For instructions on submitting the LOI, see the Applicant Resources section at

For more information, view the pdf.

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