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UNC Rural Health Research Seminar Series

The Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research is excited to begin the 2020-2021 Rural Health Research Seminar Series at UNC-Chapel Hill, funded by Carolina Seminars. This seminar is designed to unite researchers from across the university whose work pertains to the study of rural health and health care. Excellent research is already being conducted at the University in multiple disciplines, from health services research to nutrition, and from public policy to journalism. This seminar series is designed to raise awareness of the ongoing work and to encourage connection and collaboration among the individuals and teams currently studying rural health.

The first event will be on Wednesday, September 16th at 11:00 AM via Zoom. The speaker will be Mark Holmes, PhD, Director of the UNC Sheps Center and federally funded national rural health research center. Holmes will give an overview of current issues in rural health along with an overview of some of the key stakeholders at UNC and in North Carolina.

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