Research for Me @UNC – Do I have to list my study?

Are you conducting human subjects research that involves direct interaction with participants? You will now be required to list your study on Research for Me @UNC. During your next IRB modification or renewal, you will be prompted in section B.1, question 2 to submit one of two types of listings, so be prepared! Click here to learn more about your choices, what you’ll be asked to submit, and what your listing will look like on Research for Me.

Research for Me allows potential participants to reach out directly to you to indicate their interest in your study. We have over 11,000 registered users who are ready to get involved in research at UNC. Visit the Researcher Dashboard to manage your current listings, read our FAQ, and get additional guidance on how to make your listing accessible to a wide audience.

Still have questions? Consider joining us on April 8 at 2 p.m. for a Research for Me introduction session.

If you have any questions, please contact the Research for Me @UNC team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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