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Research Roundup

Not all researchers who receive support from NC TraCS are basic scientists or clinicians. In fact, since the inception of the NC TraCS Pilot Program in October 2008, 16 scientists from the College of Arts & Sciences have landed pilot awards to help further their research as principal investigators.

$2K Awards

Charlotte Boettiger
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Project Title: Frontal Dopamine and Immediate Reward Selection Bias

Vicki Chanon
Postdoctoral Trainee, Psychology
Mentor: Richard Henderson
Project Title: Genotyping of Neural Correlates of Attentional Bias Toward Cigarette Cues in Active Smokers

Sohrab Habibi
Director, Mass Spectometry Facility, Chemistry
Project Title: Online Real-time Microdialysis Pharmacokinetic Method by ICPMS

Joseph Myers
Associate Professor, Exercise and Sport Science
Project Title: Ultasonographic Assessment of Humeral Torsion: A Validation Study

Kelly Will
Teaching Assistant and Doctoral Candidate, Psychology
Project Title: Omega-6 to Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio and Higher-Order Cognitive Function in 7- to 9-Year-Olds

$10K Awards

Donna Gilleskie (co-PI)
Professor, Economics
Project Title: The Dynamic Impacts of Outpatient Cost-Sharing Requirements on Medicare Beneficiaries with Cardiovascular Disease

Kevin Guskiewicz (co-PI)
Chair, Exercise and Sport Science
Project Title: Refining a Dual-Task Rehabilitation Progression for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Andrea Hussong
Professor, Psychology
Project Title: A recruitment Feasibility Study for FAMILIES FIRST: An Early Prevention Program for Young Children Living with an Alcoholic Parent

Kulwinder Kaur-Walker
Associate Professor, Psychology, Elizabeth State University
Project Title: Examination of the Effects of Colorectal Cancer Risk Factor Awareness Training on Changing Colorectal Health Behavior & Attitude among African Americans through Church-Based Intervention

Amy Oldenburg
Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Project Title: Feasibility of Contrasting SPIO-Loaded Platelets Using Magnetomotive Ultrasound

Johna Register-Mihalik
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Exercise and Sport Science
Project Title: Refining a Dual-Task Rehabilitation Progression for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

$50K Awards

Kelly Giovanello
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Project Title: The Large-Scale Functional Brain Network Abnormalities in Mild Cognitive Impairment

Mark Schoenfisch
Professor and Assistant Chair, Chemistry
Project Title: Evaluating Nitric Oxide's Role as a Sepsis Biomarker

Otto Zhou
Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Project Title: Nanotechnology Enabled Compact Microbeam Radiation Therapy System for Cancer Treatment and Research

Planning Grant

Jason Lieb
Professor, Biology
Project Title: The UNC Comprehensive Individual Molecular Atlas Project

KickStart Commercialization Award

Chris Sims
Research Professor, Chemistry
Project Title: Cell Microsystems

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