PCORI Seeks Input on National Research Agenda

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) released for public comment a first draft of its National Priorities for Research and Research Agenda, January 23. According to a PCORI news release, these research priorities will “guide funding announcements for comparative clinical effectiveness research that will give patients and those who care for them the ability to make better-informed health decisions.” The priorities do not identify specific disease areas, but rather a broader framework for comparative effectiveness research.

The 53-day public comment period ends on March 15. Using the feedback collected during the period, PCORI will revise the priorities and agenda before adopting a final version. Following final adoption of the funding priorities, PCORI will issue its first funding announcements in May.

PCORI encourages individuals to provide comment through its website, but also will accept input by mail. Responses received through www.pcori.org will be published on the website.

PCORI is an independent, non-profit organization created by Congress in 2010 as part of the Affordable Care Act. Please see an earlier story in the NC TraCS July 2011 newsletter about its formation, funding mechanism and the involvement by Debra Barksdale, Ph.D., R.N., associate professor in the UNC School of Nursing, on its Board of Directors.

“We want to hear from patients, caregivers, providers and the wider health care community on whether our draft priorities and initial research agenda capture the broad areas where more evidence-based information is needed to make better decisions,” said PCORI Board Chair Eugene Washington, M.D., M.Sc. “This is a major milestone in our work as we continue to collaborate with all stakeholders and to build on the work of others for what we expect will be the most patient-centered research agenda yet.”

The draft National Priorities for Research identifies five areas where comparative effectiveness research is needed to support decision-making:

  • Assessment of Options for Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment
  • Improving Health Care Systems
  • Communication and Dissemination Research
  • Addressing Disparities
  • Accelerating Patient-Centered Outcomes Research and Methodological Research.

These areas encompass the patient-centered research that PCORI intends to fund and are inclusive of all diseases and health conditions. PCORI’s draft research agenda outlines more specific areas of research for each of the five priorities.

PCORI will conduct additional forums to obtain and incorporate more public feedback on the draft national priorities for research and research agenda. These outreach efforts will include focus groups, involving patients, caregivers and clinicians, as well as a national forum, February 27, in Washington, D.C. The forum will be webcast and individuals can participate remotely through a teleconference.

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