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NC TraCS $2K Pilot Program Forty-Second Round Awardees

The NC TraCS Institute is pleased to announce awardees of TraCS $2K small grants for clinical and translational research projects. 7 applications were received and 4 (listed below) were chosen for funding, from the UNC-CH School of Medicine and Gillings School of Global Public Health.

  1. Monica D’Arcy
    Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health
    Christina Mack
    Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health
    Project Title: Evaluate the Association Between SSRIs and Incident Colorectal Cancer Using Medicare Claims Database
  2. Timothy Platts-Mills
    Emergency Medicine; Anesthesiology, School of Medicine
    Project Title: Shared Decision Making for the Selection of Outpatient Analgesic Treatment for Older Emergency Department Patients with Acute Pain
  3. Daniel Reuland
    Dept. of Medicine, School of Medicine
    Monica Jolles
    Health Policy & Management, Gillings School of Global Public Health
    Project Title: Pilot Testing a combined intervention of a Spanish Language Colorectal Cancer Screening Decision Aid and Navigation: The CHOICES/OPCIONES Project
  4. Crystal Schiller
    Psychiatry, School of Medicine
    Project Title: The Role of Oxytocin in the Pathophysiology of Postpartum Depression
  • Created on .

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