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Mayer-Davis Appointed to President’s Council on Health Care

Elizabeth Mayer-Davis, Ph.D., professor of nutrition in UNC’s Gillings School of Global Public Health and professor of medicine in the UNC School of Medicine, has been appointed by President Barack Obama to a new health care advisory panel.

The group will develop policy and program recommendations and advise the council on lifestyle-based chronic disease prevention and management, integrative health-care practices and health promotion. Members include health professionals who have expertise in worksite health promotion, community services, preventive medicine, health coaching, public health education, geriatrics and rehabilitation medicine.

Mayer-Davis’ research focuses on diabetes in youth, diabetes prevention and management, and diabetes among African Americans and other minority and underserved populations. She recently was named president of health care and education for the American Diabetes Association.

She is currently principal investigator on an NC TraCS $50K grant studying cell phone use by teens with diabetes to develop interventions that help them manage their condition.

For more information see UNC Gillings School of Global Health news, January 28, 2011.

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