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Announcement of NC TraCS $2K Pilot Program 58th Round Awardees

The NC TraCS Institute is pleased to announce awardees of TraCS $2K small grants for clinical and translational research projects. 11 applications were received and 4 (listed below) were chosen for funding from the UNC-CH School of Medicine and Eshelman School of Pharmacy.


Janelle Arthur

Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease, School of Medicine

Project Title:  Developing a high throughput in vivo assay to identify functionally important intestinal bacterial strains


Stephen Eckel

Practice Advancement and Clinical Education, Eshelman School of Pharmacy

Project Title:  Evaluation of a new measurement device in improving the accuracy and precision of chemotherapy doses


Christine Kistler

Family Medicine, School of Medicine

Project Title:  Patient-Centered Medical Appointment Reminders


Patrick Lang

Cell Biology & Physiology, School of Medicine

Project Title:  Inhibiting the DNA repair protein ATR as a means to treat medulloblastoma


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