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Recapping Student Research Day

On Jan. 12, nearly 100 students from the School of Medicine participated in the John B. Graham Society's 47th Annual Student Research Day. The day began with poster presentations. Students lined the ground floor of UNC Hospitals from the N.C. Children’s Hospital to the N.C. Cancer Hospital, discussing their projects with curious passersby and contest judges. Later, the Landes-Merrimon Lecture was presented by Nobel laureate Peter Agre, MD, Director of the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute.

We spoke with some students about their experiences preparing for and participating in research day.

Devin Gibbs
Devin Gibbs
Eric Tran
Eric Tran
Cydney Bullock
Cydney Bullock
Garrett Thompson
Garrett Thompson
George Moreland III
George Moreland III
Kim Vuong
Kim Vuong

“It has been a great experience to delve deeply into something that I am interested in. Plus, this is a great way to practice presenting, which we’re all going to have to do at some point in our careers.” - Devin Gibbs

“The reason that I went into medicine is because I knew that there are certain LGBT-specific health disparities that exist. I’ve already talked to several people – some of them staff members, others not – and explaining this work has really reminded me why I’m here. - Eric Tran

“The best part of this is not only getting the opportunity to talk about what I’ve done, but also having the opportunity to learn about what my colleagues and classmates have done. It has been a great way to learn about each other. - Cydney Bullock

“It’s been a great experience so far. I’ve had the opportunity to convey my results to a much more diverse crowd than I was expecting.” - Garrett Thompson

“This has been tough, and a lot of hard work went into preparing, but it’s been fun. I’ve learned a lot and look forward to doing future projects.” - George Moreland III

“In the past, I’ve done bench work, so a huge difference with this project is that our findings are directly related to patient care.” - Kim Vuong

In addition to poster presentations, some students gave oral presentations, split across basic sciences, public health and clinical sciences.

The event concluded with an awards banquet recognizing the top student work in each presentation category. Winners receive a cash prize. Two Schwirck Fellowships were also awarded.

Research Day Award Winners:

Pillsbury Award, Best Basic Science PosterMarybeth Anderson
Pillsbury Award, Best Basic Science Oral Presentation Ayumi Nakamura
Pillsbury Award, Best Clinical Science Poster Audrey Lan
Pillsbury Award, Best Clinical Science Oral Presentation Christopher Giardina
Kuno Award, Best Public Health Poster Meghan Jobson, Alexandra Zeitany
Kuno Award, Best Public Health Oral Presentation Nicholas Brazeau

Schwirck Fellowship Recipients:

Schwirck Fellowship, MD CategoryDaniel McCauley
Schwirck Fellowship, MD/PhD Category Christopher Giardina

Congratulations to this year's Student Research Day participants for their hard work.

Originally posted at UNC Health Care Newsroom
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