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Announcing leadership appointments

Dr. Roper has appointed several faculty members to leadership positions in the School of Medicine. The UNC Health Care and UNC School of Medicine senior executive team has been expanded, as well.

Dear Colleagues,

I write to you today about changes to our leadership structure in the UNC School of Medicine. Effective immediately, I am appointing several faculty members to new administrative positions.

Wesley Burks, chair of the department of pediatrics, will become Executive Dean of the School of Medicine, following the departure of Marschall Runge from UNC. Wesley joined UNC in December 2011 as chair of pediatrics, and is an internationally-renowned expert in pediatric allergy. In this position, he will focus on the School’s teaching and research missions. Wesley will continue to hold his positions as chair of pediatrics and physician-in-chief of the N.C. Children’s Hospital.

Paul Godley, Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development, will become Vice Dean for Finance and Administration, succeeding Cam Enarson, who is transitioning to the new role of Senior Vice President for Carolina Value in the UNC Health Care System. We will conduct an internal search for the position of Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development.

John Buse, chief of the division of endocrinology and metabolism in the department of medicine, and deputy director of the NC TraCS Institute will become Director of the Institute, and serve as principal investigator for the NIH CTSA grant that funds the NC TraCS Institute. He succeeds Runge in this role. He will continue in his role as division chief.

Expansion of the Senior Executive Team (SET). The SET advises me on the important issues of the medical school and the health care system. We are expanding membership to provide more complete representation across the entities. The complete list of SET members is below:

  • Bill Roper, Dean, UNC School of Medicine and CEO, UNC Health Care
  • Wesley Burks, Executive Dean, UNC School of Medicine
  • Julie Byerley, Vice Dean for Education, UNC School of Medicine
  • Allen Daugird, President, UNC Physicians and Chief Value Officer, UNC Health Care
  • Chris Ellington, President, UNC Health Care Network Hospitals
  • Cam Enarson, Senior Vice President for Carolina Value, UNC Health Care
  • Glenn George, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, UNC Health Care
  • Paul Godley, Vice Dean for Finance and Administration, UNC School of Medicine
  • John Lewis, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, UNC Health Care
  • Terry Magnuson, Vice Dean for Research, UNC School of Medicine
  • Karen McCall, Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, UNC Health Care
  • Gary Park, President, UNC Hospitals
  • David Strong, President, Rex Healthcare
  • Andy Willis, Chief of Staff, UNC School of Medicine and UNC Health Care

Please join me in thanking Drs. Burks, Godley, and Buse, and all of the members of SET for their willingness to lead our organization and serve our University community and the state of North Carolina.


William L. Roper

CEO, UNC Health Care
Dean, UNC School of Medicine

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