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Ron Falk named one of 15 Leading Professors of Nephrology and Dialysis Technology

Ronald Falk, MD
Ronald Falk, MD

Congratulations to Dr. Ronald Falk, Director of the UNC Kidney Center, Distinguished Professor in the UNC School of Medicine and Co-Director of the Transformative Technologies Initiative at NC TraCS. He's been named one of 15 Leading Professors of Nephrology and Dialysis Technology.

From Medical Technology . . .

Many of the top scientists in the field of nephrology (kidney care, and the treatment of kidney disease) are finding new ways to apply science and technology inspired by nature and other medical fields to kidney care, and to improving the quality of dialysis care worldwide.

Professors featured on this list are getting to the heart of the diseases that require dialysis support and using techniques like stem cell research and alternative medicine to improve our understanding of kidney disease and the effectiveness of various technologies and treatments in combatting it. These 15 professors are today’s leaders in advancing and teaching nephrology and dialysis technology.

See the full list at

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