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NC TraCS Award Announcements

The NC TraCS Institute is pleased to announce awardees for 2 programs:

  • The 118th cycle of the TraCS $2K pilot grants
  • The 15th cycle of the TraCS $2K Stakeholder Engagement vouchers

In total, 11 applications were received and 4 were chosen for funding. Awardees include investigators from UNC’s Carolina Health Informatics Program, College of Arts and Sciences, Gillings School of Global Public Health, School of Medicine, and School of Nursing. The 4 projects are listed by Program below.

TraCS $2K Pilot Grant Program

Kelly Giovanello, College of Arts and Sciences
Shaina Roth, College of Arts and Sciences
Project Title: Electrophysiological Mechanisms of Memory Change in Mild Cognitive Impairment

Erica Peters
School of Medicine
Project Title: A Three-Dimensional Model of the Atherosclerotic Niche to Screen Nanocarriers for Mechanosensitive Therapeutic Delivery

Rachel Stemerman, Carolina Health Informatics Program
Rebecca Kitzmiller, School of Nursing
Project Title: A generalizable machine learning approach to building a comprehensive social determinant of health patient profile using EHR data

TraCS $2K Stakeholder Engagement Voucher Program

Lindsey Taillie, Gillings School of Global Public Health
Marissa Hall, Gillings School of Global Public Health
Project Title: Engaging Latinx community members in nutrition education and obesity prevention research

View a complete list of Pilot awardees at

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