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Monthly Grant Tip: The NIH Program Officer – Your Guy on the Inside.

The NIH Program Officer (AKA “Program Official” or “PO”) is your most important contact in NIH. POs promote specific lines of research within their own I/Cs, administer scientific programs, oversee their own grant portfolios, and advocate for specific scientific areas and the researchers in those areas. POs generally write or significantly contribute to the content of funding announcements and RFAs. Since POs are I/C- and research area-specific, it is likely that most of the grant applications you submit will fall under the purview of a very small number of POs. Many successful researchers will work with a single PO for years and even decades.

What can a PO do for you?

  • A PO can give you the “insider view” concerning the I/C’s likely enthusiasm for your proposed project, including how to improve it to make it more “fundable”.
  • The PO can answer questions you might have about an FOA.
  • After your grant is reviewed, your PO, who was likely in the room, can provide valuable insight as to how your grant was discussed at Study Section
  • A PO who knows your work and abilities can advocate for you when funding decisions are being made.

When starting out on your research journey, it us well worth identifying, and establishing a relationship with a PO who understands and appreciates your research. Next month, we’re discussing how to identify an appropriate PO and how to contact that PO.

For assistance in all aspects of your grant writing endeavors, please contact NC TraCS Proposal Development.

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