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Month Flat Week Day
Date: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Categories: Other Sponsor

This one-day course will be offered via Zoom only. Attendance is required as it will not be recorded.

Course Summary:
Statistical machine learning is an interdisciplinary research area which is closely related to statistics, computer sciences, engineering, and bioinformatics. Many statistical machine learning techniques and algorithms have proven to be very useful for various scientific areas. This course will cover a number of unsupervised learning techniques for finding patterns and associations in Big Data. These include dimension reduction techniques such as principal components analysis and non-negative matrix factorization, clustering analysis and significance analysis, and network analysis with graphical models. The main emphasis will be on the analysis of real data sets from various scientific fields. The techniques discussed will be demonstrated in R.

This course is intended for researchers who have some knowledge of statistics and machine learning, and want to be introduced to relatively more advanced statistical machine learning topics.

Participants should be familiar with matrix linear algebra, linear regression and basic statistical and probability concepts, as well as some familiarity with R programming.


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