We provide assistance to investigators in developing and implementing multi-center clinical research studies.

The Trial Innovation Network (TIN)* is a collaborative initiative within the CTSA program composed of three key organizational partners: the CTSA hubs, the Trial Innovation Centers (TICs), and the Recruitment Innovation Center (RIC).

Trial Innovation Network

We provide assistance to investigators in developing and implementing multi-center clinical research studies.

The Trial Innovation Network (TIN)* is a collaborative initiative within the CTSA program composed of three key organizational partners: the CTSA hubs, the Trial Innovation Centers (TICs), and the Recruitment Innovation Center (RIC).

As a CTSA hub, NC TraCS is at the frontline of the Trial Innovation Network. Our multi‐disciplinary TIN Hub Liaison Team leads scientific, training, and implementation aspects of the network. We help investigators utilize all local CTSA resources for initiating multi-center clinical trials, and if needed, request additional support from the broader TIN.

We use our experience and knowledge of the local environment to innovatively operationalize the network for UNC, tailoring general network plans into more specific action plans best suited for our researchers.

Primary services include:

  • Single IRB review with a central system
  • Operationalizing standard agreements
  • Expert consultation on study design and feasibility
  • Recruitment planning and tools
  • Community engagement
  • Identification of ideal study sites and research Investigators
  • Harmonization of processes across study sites

When working with the TIN, investigators do not apply for a specific RFA, but propose a multi-center trial or study. The TIN will prioritize proposals for multi-center clinical trials and studies with patient-oriented endpoints with potential for impact on clinical practice and operational innovation as well as proposals that foster collaborations with other NIH ICs over proposals seeking funding from NCATS.

Learn more about how the TIN can help with your multi-site research. Request a consultation or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Program Manager.

*The Trial Innovation Network innovatively addresses critical roadblocks in clinical trials and helps accelerate the translation of novel interventions into life-saving therapies. The TIN focuses on operational innovation, operational excellence and collaboration, and leverages the expertise and resources of the CTSA program.

The goal of the TIN is to not only execute trials better, faster, and more cost-efficiently, but also to be a national laboratory to study, understand, and innovate the process of conducting clinical trials. The TIN was designed as a platform for multi-center trials and studies that encompass a wide-range of disciplines.

Read more about the TIN at trialinnovationnetwork.org

Research Coordination & Management Unit

Coordinators and project managers available to provide a wide range of research study coordination services to UNC investigators.
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Brinkhous-Bullitt, 2nd floor
160 N. Medical Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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