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Call to Action: Participate in a Clinical Trial

Have you noticed while riding a Chapel Hill Transit bus lately that Rosie the Riveter is staring back at you from a poster exclaiming “We Can Do It!”? She’s rolled up her sleeves this time to go to work for improved health....

Leadership Changes for CTRC

After many years devoted to building and leading institution-wide clinical and translational research programs, Michael Fried, M.D. has decided to reduce his administrative responsibilities in one of his many roles, as director...

Kudos to Affiliates of NC TraCS

Gary Marchionini, Ph.D. receives Award of Merit. Gary Marchionini, Ph.D., dean and distinguished professor for the UNC School of Information and Library Science and a member of the NC TraCS Internal Advisory Board, has been...

Network Looks at Genetics of Esophageal Cancer

Recognizing the need to stimulate translational research in Barrett’s esophagus and esophageal cancer, the National Cancer Institute is funding a $5.4 million, 5-year grant to support projects through a consortia of institutions....

Kudos to Affiliates of NC TraCS

Three NC TraCS researchers featured as UNC "Meet a Tar Heel" Giselle Corbie-Smith Giselle Corbie-Smith, M.D., wasn’t drawn to medicine from the start. She jokes that when her mother urged her to consider medical school, she...

NC TraCS Members Co-author IOM Report

Leigh Callahan, Ph.D., and Russell Harris, M.D., M.P.H., UNC faculty members, who are also members of the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences (NC TraCS) Institute, have co-authored an Institute of Medicine (IOM)...

Kudos to Affiliates of NC TraCS

Scientist receives $150,000 grant to study breast cancer A UNC scientist received Wednesday a grant to identify biomarkers for the risk of breast cancer recurrence. Melissa Troester, assistant professor of epidemiology in...

PCORI Seeks Input on National Research Agenda

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) released for public comment a first draft of its National Priorities for Research and Research Agenda, January 23. According to a PCORI news release, these research priorities...

Kudos to Affiliates of NC TraCS

Carey appointed as new co-chair of the CTSA Key Function Committee NC TraCS PI extender Tim Carey, M.D., M.P.H., was recently picked to co-chair the CTSA Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) Key Function Committee (KFC)....

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