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Research Roundup

The North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences (NC TraCS) Institute, home of UNC’s NIH Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA), has received two important grant supplements. These Cooperative Agreement administrative...

Creating a Culture for Success

You would be hard-pressed to find a label that perfectly fits Barbara Entwisle, Ph.D. She is a numbers-person and a people-person, a renowned researcher and a high-ranking administrator. As a social demographer, Entwisle has...

July Research Roundup

A Supplement to Extend Study of Biobanking Gail Henderson, Ph.D., and a multidisciplinary team of colleagues from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University and Case Western Reserve have received a $200,000...

Gene Variants Could Undermine Treatment of Minorities

UNC researchers have discovered genetic differences between Hispanics and Caucasians that influence how they respond to popular medications. The results, which were gathered in individuals of Central American, Puerto Rican...

Health IT Aspires to Reduce Readmissions

Efforts to keep recently discharged patients from returning for another hospital stay could mean better health for patients and save hospitals millions of dollars. Hospital readmission is a nationwide problem, as 1 out of every...

Community Leader and Consensus Builder

April Durr knows Alamance County like the back of her hand, even though she was raised on Long Island. That familiarity comes from volunteering as a community service worker since her days as an undergraduate at Elon University...

Seeking Answers to Big Questions

You might say that Eric Juengst’s affinity for bioethics and genetics demonstrates the interplay of both nature and nurture. The son of a Presbyterian minister, he majored in biology at the University of the South, Sewanee,...

A Drug's Blueprint

A Drug's Blueprint NC TraCS-sponsored research tweaks structures to make better pharmaceuticals Here’s a little known fact: many of the most popular medicines on the market were developed, approved and prescribed without...

Revamping the Clinical Trials Infrastructure

UNC-Chapel Hill is a well-established site of clinical research, with a large number of trials across many disciplines. Yet the process by which these clinical trials are conducted is inefficient and costly. In February of...

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