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Community groups spur diversity in precision medicine

The NIH has named four community partners to improve diversity in the Precision Medicine Initiative, which includes a push to gather health data from at least 1 million people in the U.S. over time. The agency is awarding $1.7 million in funding over the next year to the following programs to help recruit a broad range of participants:

  • FiftyForward, which will raise awareness about the research effort among older, economically disadvantaged adults.
  • The National Alliance for Hispanic Health, which will launch a bilingual awareness campaign and promote participation in Hispanic communities with the help of peer educators.
  • The Delta Research and Educational Foundation, which will call attention to the need for more inclusive biomedical research to reduce health disparities that affect African-American individuals.
  • The San Francisco General Hospital Foundation, which will create a national network to get LGBT individuals involved in the research effort.

Source: STAT

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