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NCATS releases summary of strategic planning roundtable discussions

NCATS is asking for input from stakeholders as part of their current development process. Stakeholders include, but are not limited to, patients and members of the health advocacy community; basic, translational and clinical scientists at universities and research institutions; health care providers; biotechnology, venture capital and pharmaceutical industry members; colleagues at other NIH institutes, centers and offices; partners at other government agencies; policymakers; and the public.

On May 9 and 10, NCATS held two virtual strategic planning roundtable discussions (video below). Dr. Rutter gave an overview of her vision for NCATS and information on the strategic plan; then participants split into four breakout groups to offer their perspective. Discussions were based in four translational science areas:

  • Research
  • Training and Education
  • Patient and Community Engagement, and
  • DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility).

View presentation slides (PDF - 2.3MB) and meeting summary (PDF - 344.7KB).

The next step in the strategic planning process is issuing a public request for information to gain additional feedback. Check for more information on details and timing.

If you have additional input or questions for the 2024–2029 strategic plan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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