RAC announces Research Capacity Building Grants focused on southeastern coastal NC

The Research Advisory Council (RAC) has announced plans for Capacity Building Research Grants. The purpose is to build research capacity and facilitate human subjects research in the southeastern coastal region of North Carolina.
With an explicit focus on building sustainable and high impact research teams focused on southeastern coastal N.C. health concerns and populations, Capacity Building Grants of up to $500k total expenditures over 2-3 years will be awarded in 2024.
A Request for Applications (RFA) has been released and is posted at tracs.unc.edu/services/pilot-program/research-advisory-council-awards.
Proposals are due February 14, 2024, by 5PM.
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions regarding this program.
The Research Advisory Council (RAC) is a joint committee composed of research leaders from Novant Health, Novant Health New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NH-NHRMC), the University of North Carolina Health Care System (UNC Health), and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine (UNC SOM).