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SOM publishes bi-annual report

The UNC-Chapel Hill School of Medicine has published its Spring 2022 issue of the Office of Research Bi-Annual Report. Each issue presents the opportunity to reflect on all of the research accomplishments in the School of Medicine.

Message from the Vice Dean for Research — Blossom Damania, PhD:

Blossom Damania, PhD

The last year has required some adjustments as the School of Medicine has worked towards a new normal while continuing to live with the COVID-19 pandemic. 2021 was also a year of action as we addressed new challenges that we faced. We resumed our operations by safely bringing our staff back to campus, employed much needed efforts to recognize and address issues surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion, and closely examined our infrastructure and space needs and the potential for some remote work for specific units.

In response to some of these challenges, the School of Medicine initiated the Rising Star Program to Increase Faculty Diversity, and has communicated the need for mechanisms to better compensate and retain our workforce with campus leadership. I have been impressed by how our School has continued to advance our research missions while navigating this challenging landscape.

In Fiscal Year 2021 the total amount of research funding was $583,976,865, an increase of $46 million from Fiscal Year 2020. This increase included an additional $14 million in NIH funding. These are incredibly impressive numbers which are a testament to the hard work of our researchers across the School. This year, we look to pursue new efforts to improve our community and scientific infrastructure that will bolster our research portfolio. Thank you for your continued commitment in advancing our research mission.

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