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New School of Medicine Strategic Plan “Forward Together” Research Initiative

From UNC Health Care Employee News Online - May 30, 2019

The School of Medicine (SOM) is host to an exceptional array of scientists across eight basic science and 19 clinical departments. The Dean’s Office recognizes that increased research collaboration and integration of basic and clinical scientists will fuel discovery and innovation to improve human health. As part of strategic efforts to capitalize on these strengths and increase translational research, the SOM Office of Research (OoR) is sponsoring a new initiative to support joint faculty hires in research between clinical and basic science departments. The new faculty member must have an appointment in both a clinical and a basic science department.

Clinical and Basic Science Departments that would like to partner and jointly recruit a research faculty member in the fall of 2019 are encouraged to submit an application to be considered for support. The SOM OoR intends annually to provide funding of up to $300,000 towards the recruitment package for each of two recruits over the next five year strategic plan timeframe. It is anticipated that the remainder of the recruitment package will be contributed by the collaborating departments (and centers, if applicable).

Additional funding may be available for faculty hires who are underrepresented minorities in partnership with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

To be considered for funding this year, please see criteria below. The review criteria and required materials are also available on the OoR website.

Please submit the following information using the online submission form by 5pm on June 7.

In an application to OoR using the online form, provide a single PDF and limit the application to no more than three pages. Please provide the following information:

  • Letter of intent: Describe the importance of the recruitment for filling a research need in the Clinical and Basic science departments and any relevant centers (if applicable). Focus on how the recruitment will enhance the translational research capabilities in the targeted area of need. If there is a targeted hire, provide specific details and a CV for the prospective hire.
  • Recruitment Plan: Outline the plans and obligations for salary, space, administrative support and the sharing of F&A receipts among the participating units. Please also indicate the intended research/clinical/teaching expectations for the position. Also indicate the resources from each department that will be included as part of the recruitment package.
  • Mentoring Plan: Briefly describe plans for jointly mentoring the faculty member.

Contact Jennifer Brennan in the SOM Office of Research with any questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 919-966-8089.

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