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  • NC BERD Seminar: 7 Problems Facing Artificial Intelligence for Health
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Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Categories: Other Sponsor

AI Health Virtual Seminar: 7 Problems Facing Artificial Intelligence for Health (and what’s being done about them)

Artificial Intelligence has been promoted as the key to solving key problems in healthcare, but the challenges facing us are complex and sometimes intractable - with potential even to bring harm. In this 1-hour seminar, we'll discuss this landscape at a high level, including a history of unrealistic expectations, overhype that too often permeates this space, serious issues of bias and fairness, and other areas. We'll discuss illustrations and case studies drawn from the current scientific literature, informed by AI Health's longstanding Weekly Roundup of news and publications in AI. We'll also talk about the researchers and approaches that are informing responses to these problems, and the opportunities that exist to actively develop ethical and equitable data science. This session is free and open to anyone in the world.

Jonathan McCall, MS
Communications Director
Duke AI Health

Shelley Rusincovitch, MMCi
Managing Director
Duke AI Health

This event is sponsored by Duke AI Health; the Duke University Departments of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Computer Science, and Electrical and Computer Engineering; the Duke Center for Computational Thinking; Duke CTSI; and the Pratt School of Engineering. It is being cross-promoted by the North Carolina BERD Consortium (Duke University School of Medicine, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and Wake Forest School of Medicine).

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